Inside Alex Yusupov Specialist Orthodontists
Take a peek inside leading orthodontists Alex Yusupov Specialist Orthodontists and see how they are utilising Asiga 3D printers within their daily workflows.
3D printing at Race Dental Laboratory
3D printing in some industries is a primary manufacturing process so output consistency, speed and part quality are imperative to ensure production efficiency and continuity.
Review of the Asiga PRO 4K80 UV by DentalTechTips
Our industry leading PRO 4K continues to make waves in many additive manufacturing industries and here is a recent product review by DentalTechTips.
Guided soft-tissue emergence profile techniques using CAD/CAM technologies
The following article describes two original techniques that use CAD/CAM technology to generate a pre-surgical healing abutment or provisional restoration.
Practice-oriented use of 3D printing in the dental lab
Digitalisations in dental technology has advanced at an enormous pace over recent years, such that it is hard for the lab owner to keep up with developments.
How We Integrated 3D Printing – Part 5
Read about Fager Dental Lab.
How We Integrated 3D Printing – Part 4
Read about Atlanta Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in Atlanta.
How We Integrated 3D Printing – Part 3
Read about Derby Dental Lab.
How We Integrated 3D Printing – Part 2
Read about Ford’s Dental Lab.
How We Integrated 3D Printing – Part 1
Read about Artistic Dental Laboratories, Inc.