Metal implant using CAD-CAM with Dental Wings, the Asiga printerPRO and the DETAX cast resin
In 2016, the removable prosthesis, too often the poor relative in our laboratories, is not of much interest to the young prosthetist.
Clearly Impressive
Asiga PRO2 75 3D printer streamlines the production of orthodontic clear aligners.
Do you have a digital tooth?
Asiga’s CEO Justin Elsey discusses new developments in 3D printing for digital dentistry.
Finding a cure for Cardiovascular disease
The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute 3D print micro-scaffolds on the Asiga MAX X to provide a structure when melding human heart cells.
Desy combine Asiga 3D Printers with Moiin Materials for microfluidic success
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is the world’s leading research centre for accelerator, particle and astroparticle physics as well as for research into photon science.
Inexpensive 3D printed microfluidics device could be used to personalise cancer treatment
MIT and Draper researchers have 3D printed a novel microfluidic device that simulates cancer treatments on biopsied tumor tissue.
Three-dimensional printing of transparent fused silica glass
Ever thought of 3D printing glass?
SLA 3-D Printed Arrays of Miniaturized, Internally Fed, Polymer Electrospray Emitters
This paper reports the design, fabrication, and characterization of arrays of miniaturized, internally fed, polymer electrospray emitters fabricated with stereolithography.
Researchers Use SLA Technology for Shape Memory Polymers for the First Time
While 3D printing is currently poised at the forefront of technology, 4D printing is nipping right at its heels.
It all comes together at Palloys
Asiga customer Palloys is Australasia’s premier jewellery manufacturing and custom jewellery service centre.